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How to Turn Your Repeat Tasks into Business Processes

Dr. Denise Dennis

How much of your working time is spent doing the same things each day? If you think about it, you’ll probably find that you spend a great deal of time on repetitive tasks. Mapping out these daily things to-do and turning them into business processes offers the following benefits:

  • Your business will be more efficient, and you’ll be in better control of how you use your time and where you put your energy.

  • With processes mapped, you can look for ways to make each more streamlined and flexible.

  • You can delegate these daily tasks to others so that you can focus on higher-level work.

  • Clearly defined business processes allow you to scale as you grow.

The time you take now to map these out will save you a great deal of time and headache later.

Which Tasks Can You Map Out?

Off the top of your head, you can probably identify some things you do every day that you can turn into a business process. Go through your typical day and make a list.

An even better way to figure out how you spend your time is to perform a time audit. This involves logging your working time so you can see where you’re actually spending it. You may discover that you’re spending much more time than you thought on repetitive tasks that bring little results.

Start Each Process with a Goal

Start each business process by defining its goal. What should it accomplish when it’s finished? How does it fit into your overall business or your weekly schedule? If you start with the end in mind and work your way backward, you can more easily see what’s working or not working to reach that goal.

Break Down Tasks into Steps

Mapping out a task means breaking it down into steps. Identify each individual step and all the resources needed to do it. Create a flow chart that maps out the activity from beginning to end which anyone can understand at a glance.

The key is that it should be easy to understand. If you’re delegating the task, your employee should understand the why and how so that they can do it efficiently.

Get Input from Stakeholders

Don’t map out your processes all by yourself. Get feedback from your employees and other stakeholders. They may see the task from a different point of view and be able to contribute. Once you have a process mapped, you should also get feedback to make sure it’s understandable.

Test and Improve

Once you have a process mapped out, test it to make sure you have every part of it documented. Look for areas that could be improved, such as a bottleneck that holds up the process from getting done or any step that doesn’t align with the final goal.

With your processes mapped, you’ll have a better understanding of how your business works and it will be easier to control. Now you can start streamlining and looking for ways to get everyday routines off your desk.

Do you want to learn more about streamlining your business processes? Download my free Business Systems Audit Checklist to assess your current processes. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD.

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