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The Four Levels of Email Marketing

Dr. Denise Dennis

Email marketing done right can get results for your business, even if you are just starting out.

It’s not just the size of your list that matters anymore. It’s about how excited, engaged and yes, how responsive your readers are. Building that engagement begins with the very first welcome email and doesn’t end until (unless) they unsubscribe.

Here are a few questions to get you thinking about what emails you need to be sending and when:

Lead Generation:

  • Are they a new subscriber?

  • What information do they need to know?

  • Is the initial lead generation email designed to keep them reading future emails?

  • How many emails do you need to include in your welcome series?

  • Is the subject the right one for the welcome email?

  • How can you engage them quickly with this welcome email?

Lead Nurturing:

  • Have they been on your list for a while?

  • Are they actively reading your emails?

  • Do I have a subscriber persona?

  • How can I segment them into specific lists?

  • Do they need educating, personalized or how-to content?

  • What other type of content do they need?

  • Are they naturally moving through my email system?

  • Is the content relevant and giving them value?

Lead Re-Engagement:

  • Have they been a subscriber for a while and no longer read my emails?

  • Why did they stop responding?

  • Should they be segmented for specific re-engagement emails? How?

  • What type of email do I need to send?

Customer Relations:

  • Have they recently purchased one of my products, programs, or services?

  • What type of email can I send them?

  • What incentives can I offer them to get them to buy again?

Need help creating your email marketing strategy? Schedule a complimentary consultation here.

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